Modern English–Old English dictionary

Old English translation of the English word fall in battle

English → English (Old English)
EnglishEnglish (Old English) (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(scuffle; action; fight; clash; combat; fray; engagement)
🔗 This was a battle for survival.
(fight; strive; contend)
🔗 Since Saturday’s surprise assault, Israeli aircraft have been pounding Gaza targets while its ground forces have battled to retake control of border villages and towns overrun by Palestinian gunmen.
(drop; lapse)
🔗 The house must have fallen on her.
🔗 Reinking is from Morton, Illinois and is believed to have moved to the Nashville area last fall.
(come about; happen; occur; take place; be afoot; come on; come to pass; be set; transpire)

EnglishEnglish (Old English)
fall in battle wighryre
battle beadu; beadulac; campwig; cumbolgebrec; ecgplega; gargewinn; gefeoht; getoht; guþplega; handgemot; here; hild; orlege; tohte; wigplega; æscplega
fall afeallan; ahreosan; befeallan; crincan; cringan; dreosan; dryre; feallan; fiell; fyll; gefeallan; hreosan; hryre; hærfest; sigan